Every student must wear a clean, complete and correct uniform daily. Defaulters may be fined or sent back home.
The uniform will be as follows:
For Boys:
- White shirt with half/ long sleeves
- Grey trousers
- Maroon tie
- Plain black leather shoes with school socks
- School cardigan
- Plain black belt
- School blazer
- Grey Muffler/ Cap (in winter)
- Black Shoe
- White Canvas
For Girls:
- White shirt with half / long sleeves
- Grey skirts-Grey divided skirts
- Maroon tie
- Plain black leather shoes with school socks
- School Cardigan
- White ribbons
- School blazer
- Black Shoe
- White Canvas
Whenever the complete or correct uniform cannot be worn, permission to attend the school must be obtained on the Regularity Record under “Uniform”
To ensure uniformity the following items of the uniform must be obtained from the school: the maroon tie, socks and the cardigan. NO OTHER SHADES OF MATERIAL WILL BE ALLOWED.